Narrative from the general building plans [November, 1943]

The "E" house ... is a single story three bedroom house. As in the "D" unit, additional floor area has been achieved by adopting the T-shape plan. This allows for three bedrooms along one side with only closet areas intervening. The bathroom is moved to the back of the house next to the kitchen, as in the "B" house. The two exterior bedrooms have corner positions, and the smaller bedroom between them has a single outside wall. The arrangement of the closets will help to reduce inter room noises. although the kitchen floor area is larger than in the "B" unit, there is about the same cupboard space. The dining room compares in size to the "B" unit, and living room, although of the same width, is two feet longer.

The distinguishing feature of the plan is the introduction of a hall between the front door and the living room, a logical addition because of the position of the bath. It was felt, too, that the hall would probably be more desirable than an enlargement of the already adequate living room. A good sized coat closet in this hall is a service feature. The "E" house, like all the houses, has closet space of various kinds. Such space, as surveys made throughout the United States prove, is highly favored by the housewife. Especially in houses such as these, which have no attics, and whose basements are needed primarily for furnace rooms and laundries, adequate closet space is a necessity.

From the outside, the "E" house appears to have a cover over the entrance because the latter is indented slightly. This detail, compared with the treatment of entrances on other types of houses, decidedly improves its appearance. The exterior of the "E" house has two variants. One house has shakes and the usual gable roof; the other has wood siding and the gables are cut back to give a hipped roof. This change was felt to provide welcome relief to the general plainness of the types which were more numerous. Informal houses introduced into the block plan lend variety to the groups, and accomplish this effect more subtly than the too conscious attempt to produce a striking array of types.