EDGAR JADWIN - (1865-dead) - Army Engineer, Born Honesdale, Pa. Graduated Westpoint (1890), and at U.S. Engineer School of Application (1893). Had charge of enlargement of Ellis Island, New York Harbor (1890-91), river and harbor and fortification work in the Wilmington (N.C.) District, and OCE (1895-98). During Spanish-American War, was Lt.Colonel in the command of 3rd battalion of the regiment at Matanzas, the first battalion sent to Cuba (1898) to effect the transfer of sovereignty and for temporary occupation. Various construction and river and harbor assignments and (1907-11) particiipated in the construction of the Panama Canal. At outbreak of World War I, was in charge of construction and operation of locks and dams in the Ohio, Monongahela and Allegheny rivers. Organized and took to France the 15th cavalry engineers, first regiment of a foreign power permitted to land in England since the days of William the Conqueror. Was in immediate charge of the great construction program of army in France, with 160,000 men under his command. Received Distinguished Service Medal, British Order of Companion of the Bath, and French Commander of the Legion of Honor. After war, was engineer of the 8th Corps Area, and Division Engineer of the southeast division.